Furqan Force

1948, before Rabwah was leased by the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, and while Muhammad Ali Jinnah was still alive.  Mahmud Ahmad (the caliph) was living in Lahore.  Most of his office staff had also moved to Lahore.  Under these conditions, India and Pakistan had a squabble over Kashmir.  Kashmir should have ceded to Pakistan since it was a majority Muslim nation.  Historical events prove that India was the agressor.  It may be noted that India was fearful that once Kashmir was gone, the East Punjab would subsequently be lost to Pakistan. 

Under these circumstances, the Pakistani govt. somehow approached Mirza Basheerudin Mahmud Ahmad and asked him for a battallion of fighters who would be 100% Ahmadi. The Khalifa agreed and sent a force to Kashmir (see Simon Ross and the biography of Bashir Ahmad Rafiq, Chapter 7, http://www.bashirrafiq.com/page79/page14/index.html).

Mirza Nasir Ahmad was named the commander of the Furqan Force (see Bashir Ahmad Rafiq). Bashir Ahmad Rafiq who was like 18 or 19 volunteered and was sent to Jhelum for reporting. Later on, he becomes a famous Imam of the London Mosque, there is a website dedicated to him as well. Bashir Ahmad Rafiq secured the permission from his father and was ready to leave. His Ahmadi parents gave him away too easily, they thought he was going for Jihad. Many Ahmadi women offered up their young males for Jihad. His father took him to the train station and gave him this advice:

“You have volunteered on your own and you were certainly not under any pressure. It is quite likely that you may have to face death. In such an event, lay down your life bravely. He who comes into this world has to depart from it one day. The real objective of life on Earth is to gain the pleasure of Allah. If in your early youth you are fortunate enough to gain martyrdom, what else can you possibly ask for?”

Bashir Ahmad Rafiq writes that he travelled to Azad Kashmir from Jhelum and then walked on foot to the front lines. He spent a great deal of time in the trenches and was even thought to be dead after a mass-firing by the Indian Army on the area where he was entrenched. Some tactical error kicked-off this event. All the men in his trench survived. He was later dismissed because of declining health. He then returned to Lahore and then to newly formed Rabwah. Which is connected with the Furqan Force in a strange sequence of coincidences in 1948.

Alislam.org reports that there were in-fact Ahmadi-shaheeds during the war, see the final paragraph here: http://www.alislam.org/books/truth/jehad.html. (Retrieved 12-30-11).

Mirza Tahir Ahmad admits that this was Jihad by the Ahmadiyya (See, White paper, part 7, "The independence of Kashmir and Palestine", page 17 onwards). http://www.alislam.org/library/books/AhmadiyyaMuslim-and-PalestineKashmir.pdf

Mira Tahir Ahmad says that it was the Ahmadiyya Movement that offered a battallion at its own expense (see page 18-19). It seems that Rabwah may have been a bi-product of this volunteering.

Mirza Tahir Ahmad also says that the Khalifa did not allow young men to come home in case of illness, which contradicts the life and times of Bashir Ahmad Rafiq. Maybe the elitist got special considerations?

Mirza Tahir Ahmad (page 22) alleges that a General in the Pakistani Army gave the following in the form of a certificate:

Your Bn was composed entirely of volunteers who came from all walks of life [as I stated before all the volunteers were performing the military services at their own, nobody was on a payroll], young peasants, students, teachers, men in business; they were all embued with the spirit of service for Pakistan; you accepted no remuneration, and no publicity for the self sacrifice for which you all volunteered. In Kashmir you were allotted an important sector, and very soon you justified the reliance placed on you and you nobly acquitted yourself in battle against Medals enemy ground and air attacks, without losing a single inch of ground....

(Certificate from General Commander in Chief,Pakistan Army, June 17, 1950)

Mirza Tahir also alleges that a local newspaper praised the Ahmadis:

Hakim Ahmad Din, President Jama‘at-ul-Masha ’ikh Sialkot wrote in his magazine Qa’id-e-A‘zam ---January 1949:

"Currently out of all the Muslim organisations, the Q adiani sect of Ahmadi Jama‘at is number one. They have been organised from the beginning, are punctual in prayers and fasting etc. Their missionaries are successful not only here but outside in foreign countries as well. They played a major role in the success of Muslim League for the creation of Pakistan. In Jihad-e-Kashmir the kind of sincere and wholehearted participation shown by Ahmadi Jama‘at along the side of Kashmir’s Mujahidin and the sacrifices shown by this Jama‘at cannot be observed, in our opinion, in any other Muslim Jama‘at that has shown such kind of courage and steadfastness. We are thankful to the Ahmadi elders in all of these matters and pray that God Almighty may bless them with greater capacity to help their country, nation and religion."

The Furqan Force was a voluntary fighting force in newly formed Pakistan composed of the minority Ahmadiyya branch Muslims. They fought against the Indian invasion of Kashmir in 1948.[1]


  1. ^ Simon Ross Valentine. and the Ahmadiyya Jama'at: History, Belief, Practice. Columbia University Press, 2008. ISBN 0231700946, 9780231700948